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w/Posting -PROMISE- I know, I know .... where have i been??
I didn't think that keeping up with a Blog could be this hard. I have a couple of post that i want to add so keep posted...
(1) I did a Mini-mini haul (MAC make-up)
(2) The Big Chop- its been ALMOST a month, and shall I say time flys!
(3) Life in general...
(4) Oh, and almost forgot- This weekend I will "Decoupage" my Chest
I am here NOW! Finally did it…. It took everything out of me, if it wasn’t for (ONE of my BFF’s in the whole world) I probably would have never started…… yeah, I’ve talked about it for a while now….. Did I mention I am a procrastinator/ perfectionist… if I was going to do it; it had to be done RIGHT!
So what do you think??
So who am I, you ask?? Lets see (I’ll keep this short,sweet, and simple)
I am a single mother (not by choice, but by fate *everything happens for a reason*) of a 6 year old boy damn near turning 20…. Who thinks he knows everything (LOL). He sure keeps me on my toes - I’ll post a pick of us later- Back to me, as you probably notice I am a PROCRASTINATOR/ perfectionist. I only want things to be done right. Yet lazy at times, I LOVE hard, but can hate easily. Most people would say I have a hard exterior, but that only because I am passionate about who I let in my circle once your there SKY IS THE LIMIT! Beware though, BURN me once shame on me, BURN me twice…..…. well if you want to go there you’ll see :)
My first love always falls back to doing hair (it’s a pain reliever… MOTRIN what?) I feel at ease when I am tense. I am also a recovering Shop-A-Holic. Yes! Sometimes I fall, but I get back up though…. Still a work in progress… shopping to me is like the Walnut chocalate Browine w/ vanilla icing, whip cream and a Cherry on top! (Dang that sounded fat, LOL) but that leads to my love for FOOD and no I am not obese, just love a good home cook meal and occasionally you could catch ya girl in a couple of resturants. I am NOW learning to love make up… looking at all these blog(s) you just cant get enough, so yes I’ve brought some MAC, the Coastal Scents, the Sonia Kashuk brushes and all in between….
So as you can see I am just like any other woman learning to love me for WHO I AM (going Natural-Bald head-curves- EVERYTHING), looking for LOVE (who isn’t??), Friends, and Fullfillment in anything life has to offer. Trying to “TAKE OVER THE WORLD” (like Pinky & The Brain would say), just living life to the fullest and Learning to love every MINUTE of it, and not regreting a SECOND.*Smooches*